David C. Nieman, DrPH, FACSM, conducted a 1,000-person study to find the correlation between exercise and catching a cold. Here are some of his findings:
1. Those who were physically active, lean, and ate plenty of fruit had fewer sick days (1/3 to be exact) than those who did less physical activity and were overweight.
2. When those who were physically active got sick, symptoms were less severe.
3. People who engage in moderate levels of activity while sick can reduce their sick times by up to half. Moderate activity includes exercise for at least 45 minutes five to six days a week.
But these findings are for colds only. Nieman says that if you are seriously ill or have a viral infection, exercise may make the illness worse or last longer. So stick to resting!
Here are a few exercise tips for staying healthy during cold and flu season:
- Stuffy nose, sore throat, cold symptoms…get active!
- Aches, pains, fevers, diarrhea, chest congestion, swollen glands…rest, rest, rest!
- When you have a cold, make sure your exercise isn’t too rigorous. Try a brisk walk for 45 minutes.
- If you are recovering from the flu, don’t jump into intense exercise right away. Ease back into your routine.