Monday, December 26, 2011

New Year, New Non-Toxic You!

With Holiday shopping and gift giving checked off the list, there's just one thing left to do this holiday season...figure out your New Year's resolutions!  We all know the most common resolutions because they are the easiest to come up with AND the easiest to break (funny how that works out isn't it!?).  So, at ESP we are suggesting some new resolution ideas that we can help you with!

But first, I thought I'd list the most commonly broken New Year's resolutions (according to Time magazine) because I know we can allll relate to them!
  1. Lose weight and get fit. (From experience, I know it takes getting into the habit of going to the gym.  Once you start, it's awesome! But the second you stop, it's so hard to get back on track isn't it?)
  2. Quit smoking. (So important, but the addictive nature of nicotine makes this difficult for many...a great resolution to go for though)
  3. Learn something new. (although this is probably accomplished, it's easily forgotten I'm sure!)
  4. Eat healthier and diet. (hm...sounds like #1)
  5. Get out of debt and save money. (Getting out of debt can be incredibly difficult, especially because it takes time and does not come with instant, that LBD is just so perfect, right!?)
  6. Spend more time with family. (Life gets busy...wouldn't it be easier if family was walking distance?  I'm lucky because both my parents live walking distance from our home, but not everyone is as fortunate!)
  7. Travel to new places. (yea, that involves $$$...but how about trying new local places? you may find some nice little gems in your area)
  8. Be less stressed. (now wouldn't that be nice if we could control this with the snap of a finger...)
  9. Volunteer. (finding time may be difficult, try scheduling volunteer opportunities and adding them to your calendar)
  10. Drink less. (pretty sure thats the most commonly used phrase while facing a hangover)
If the list above doesn't work for you, how about trying our suggestions :)
  1. Use less plastic! (If you opt for a BPA free water bottle that is reusable, you won't have to purchase those toxic and wasteful plastic water bottles every time you go out)
  2. Go organic, when possible (One way to start is by choosing organic fruits and veggies)
  3. Meatless Monday (just once a week, try being a vegetarian!)
  4. Make non-toxic changes in your home (no matter how big or small the changes you make, you can make a difference in you and your family's life!)
Okay, these are just a handful of suggestions...but hopefully you can get some good ideas! Let us know on our Facebook page what kind of non-toxic resolutions you are aiming for in 2012. Time for a New Year and a New Non-Toxic You!


~ Hannah
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